10 Years Since the Lehman Bros Default: A Look Back
Henry Ford once said “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” Ten years ago this September, the global economy was broug . . .
Brexit, CCP Clearing, RegTech & More – Highlights From Our 2018 Podcasts So Far!
In this DerivSource podcast, we look back at some of the highlights from the podcast interviews in the last six months. Listen for snippets on past po . . .
Inclusiveness in the Workplace – How Small Changes Can Make A Big Difference
In this podcast we talk to two champions of corporate inclusiveness, and discussing changes big and small that organisations can make to get the most . . .
Euroclearing – How Likely is Relocation and What Would It Mean?
With just nine months to go until the UK’s scheduled split from the European Union, one of the key issues for derivatives firms is what will happen . . .
GDPR vs MiFID II – Clash or Collaboration?
New regulations are coming into force for European institutions at a rapid pace. MiFID II came into effect in January, and now deadlines for Europe’ . . .
RegTech in Reality – What’s the Business Case and the Role of Newer Technologies?
In this DerivSource podcast we explore RegTech - the buzzword commonly used to describe technology that helps financial services firms meet their comp . . .
Exemption for Pension Funds from CCP Clearing Obligations – Should This Be Extended?
Listen now Pension funds have been exempted from central clearing obligations since the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (or EMIR) went in . . .
Deal or No Deal – How Firms Are Preparing for Brexit
Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union—barring a last-minute change of heart from the British parliament—will start on March 29, 2019. It . . .
Podcast Re-Run: Preparing for FRTB
This month, we are revisiting a couple of older podcasts from last year that really caught the interest of our audience. This podcast focuses on prepa . . .
Podcast Re-Run: Legal Entity Identifiers – How MiFID II Will Drive Adoption
One of our most popular podcasts from last year was on Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs). Despite a last-minute six-month reprieve, MiFID II requires th . . .
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