Online pricing and hedging tool now optimized for mobile access INTL FCStone Inc. (NASDAQ: INTL) today announced…
Platform will provide end-to-end collateral management for buy-side firms via the AcadiaSoft Hub AcadiaSoft Inc., the leading…
In a Q&A with Caroline Escott, investment and defined benefits policy lead at the Pension and Lifetime…
The Board of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) is seeking feedback on its proposed recommendations…
Firms benefit from high-quality, timely, secure and compliant data Commcise, provider of commission management, research valuation and…
SFTR will start to phase in for the largest market participants in 2019, but there is much…
Immediate support ensures Volante clients can avoid the non-compliance challenges of mandated standards change in cross border…
Vermeg, a European banking and insurance software solutions leader, has acquired Lombard Risk, the leading global provider…
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) Division of Market Oversight (Division) has announced the extension of time-limited…
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) have signed an arrangement…
CCP Clearing & Pension Fund Schemes – the Exemption, Other Solutions & Uncertainty
In a Q&A with Caroline Escott, investment and defined benefits policy lead at the Pension and Lifetime…