End-to-end solution provides connectivity to the CME Group and DTCC ASIC-licensed trade repositories NEX Regulatory Reporting, a…
Two models – direct with AcadiaSoft or via Bloomberg – provide clients flexibility in meeting the operational…
Henry Ford once said, the only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing. Ten…
Client, market, and technology driven changes delivered in single, high-performance, flexible and unified API Vela, a leading…
This response represents the views of European CCPs to the FSB, BCBS, CPMI-IOSCO consultation on ‘Incentives to centrally clear over-the-counter…
IHS Markit (Nasdaq: INFO), a leading global provider of financial information services announced that MarkitSERV now offers…
FIA, the Institute of International Finance (IIF), and the Global Financial Markets Association (GFMA) filed a response…
Teams up with Bryn Mawr Trust as its first client for the new FX trading module. Bryn…
European Union (EU) securities markets, infrastructures and investors face new risks in the form of high volatility,…
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services to the global financial services industry, today…
Have We Learned the Right Lessons from the Collapse of Lehman Brothers?
Henry Ford once said, the only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing. Ten…