– New offering enables firms to more accurately price credit risk and effectively optimize collateral eClerx, a…
The International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA) and the Futures and Options Association (FOA) today announced…
New derivatives regulation will transform the OTC trade confirmation process. Sapient’s Nick Fry explains the challenges both…
After many months, the European ISDA cleared derivatives addendum is near completion. This agreement, which is a…
CCP clearing will introduce a stack of contracts. Clients of clearing members must review and negotiate both…
The soon to be introduced mandatory clearing mandate will require market participants to have a good understanding…
Chatham Financial’s Matt Hoffman and Michael Ashby assert that end users should explore some of the smaller…
Kevin Thorogood, Global Head of Capital Markets at Thunderhead.com talks to DerivSource about the challenges firms face…
Lynn Strongin Dodds explores why Europe is lagging behind the US in the establishment of a standardised…
A recent court case offers insight for how organisations may be able to assess the hedging and/or…
OTC Trade Documentation: A Revolution Awaits
New derivatives regulation will transform the OTC trade confirmation process. Sapient’s Nick Fry explains the challenges both…