Blockchain and Chaintech: Post-Trade Applications
Blockchain remains one of the top trends in 2017, but how does this technology fit into the post-trade space? In a podcast, we discuss current deve . . .
Symbology: Closing the Gaps with the Financial Instrument Global Identifier (FIGI)
In this DerivSource podcast Richard Robinson, Head of Strategy and Industry Relations for Symbology at Bloomberg, traces the lineage of data and looks . . .
Legal Entity Identifiers: How MiFID II Will Drive Adoption
Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs) help financial firms and regulators aggregate and better understand counterparty exposures, providing enhanced market . . .
Identity Fraud – A Discussion of the Risks & Potential Impact on Institutional Financial Firms
DerivSource has covered cyber risk in previous podcasts, but in this podcast we’re discussing identity fraud, where people are opening accounts or d . . .
Preparing for FRTB and Addressing Common Challenges
What are the data and operational challenges firms face as they prepare to comply with FRTB? DerivSource has covered the Fundamental Review of the . . .
Data Scientist in Financial Services – A Look at this Evolving Role
There’s no doubt that there’s a growing need and reliance on data science in the financial services industry and as a result the role of data scie . . .
VM Big Bang – Is it as Big as the Industry is Making it Out to Be?
The derivatives industry is gearing up for the next big deadline for BCBS/IOSCO margin requirements for non-cleared derivatives despite recent extensi . . .
Securities Lending and Repo: Why SWFs and Asset Owners Are in Prime Position to Take Advantage
What are the potential revenue opportunities for sovereign wealth funds in the securities lending and repo markets?A recently published paper “OTC . . .
Missed any of our 2016 Podcasts? Listen now!
We are taking a break over the holiday period but have some very topical podcasts planned for early 2017 so stay tuned for those. In the meantime, I e . . .
Risky Business: Geopolitical & Cyber Risk Top Concerns for Financial Institutions
Risk in the markets is constant but it is also ever changing and it presents real challenges and concerns for financial institutions. Geopolitical ris . . .
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