KVGs & Complying with EMIR
Preparing for CCP clearing - a view from German KVGsIn this DerivSource Podcast, Julia Schieffer speaks to both Caroline Herkstroeter of Norton Rose F . . .
Derivatives Trading via SEFs – What’s Next?
DerivSource speaks to Sassan Danesh, Managing Partner, Etrading Software about how the volume of derivatives through SEFs will evolve now the initial . . .
LEIs, CICs, CCS – Is Now the Time for Standards?
In a DerivSource podcast, Julia Schieffer explores the standards that financial institutions need to be aware of and how these standards are supporti . . .
SEF Rules In-Depth
State Street's Tomas Zikas reviews the recently announced SEF rules and discussed the implications of these rules on SEFs themselves, the industry at . . .
The Repo Market & Relocation of Risk: An Interview with Prof. Craig Pirrong
As the market looks to the repo market (directly or indirectly via collateral transformation) to fund CCP collateral obligations, many are concerned t . . .
Recovery & Resolution Planning for CCPs: Latest Regulatory Developments & Key Implementation Challenges
In a DerivSource Podcast industry experts offers a brief update on the latest regulatory developments in recovery and resolution planning followed . . .
Extraterritoriality of OTC Derivatives Regulation and the Potential Impact on CCP Clearing
In a DerivSource podcast, a panel reviews how extraterritoriality will impact CCP clearing from an operational, funding and counterparty risk perspect . . .
Why Front-to-Back Office Integration is Crucial for Regulatory Compliance & Efficiency
A DerivSource Podcast Sponsored by Calypso TechnologyWhy do OTC derivatives front and back offices need to be closely integrated then ever before? In . . .
OTC Derivatives Clearing in Flux – the Impact on Post-Trade Processing
In a podcast, a panel explores the evolution of the CCP landscape for OTC derivatives and the operational challenges firms face in adapting post- . . .
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