riskart S.p.A., a leading specialist consultancy in bespoke solutions for Back Office administration of structured derivatives, is…
Calypso Technology Inc, a global application software provider of an integrated trading and risk application suite to…
Advent Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADVS), a leading provider of software and services for the global investment management…
Oakvale Capital Limited, Australia’s largest independent financial risk management firm, has expanded its use of SunGard’s AvantGard…
Investment Management outsourcing has moved forward from the late 1990’s and is now a maturing science. Contracts…
Services Reduce Technology Risks and Improve Operational Success for Hedge Fund Mergers EXENET LLC, a leading provider…
SunGard Predicts New Post-Trade Challenges Will Demand Consolidated, Real-time Information Tony Scianna, executive vice president of SunGard’s…
New Functionality Uniquely Integrates Credit-Adjusted Valuations Module with Hedge Accounting,Taking Guesswork Out of Interpreting Fair Value Regulations…
The 3L3 Committees, CESR, CEBS and CEIOPS, published today their joint response to the European Commission’s consultation…
CME Group Inc., the world’s largest and most diverse derivatives exchange, today announced new national balancing point…