OTC Valuations Limited (OTC Val), a leading provider of independent derivatives valuation and risk reports for illiquid…
Trayport has announced its GlobalVision Trading System now has the capability to trade cross-currency basis swaps. This…
Record Monthly Volume at ICE Futures Europe and ICE Futures U.S. IntercontinentalExchange (NYSE: ICE), a leading operator…
SunGard’s GMI, a clearing and accounting system for exchange traded derivatives, futures and options, now supports Nodal…
Five financial trade associations today unveiled an industry survey which examined more than 400 firms’ views of…
Supports Global Regulatory Goals by Providing: • Electronic Execution• Third-Party Connectivity for Electronic Processing and Legal Confirmation…
Exchange for Swaps functionality to be introduced for equity index derivatives The international derivatives exchange Eurex today…
Given current market upheavals, which core themes do investors concern themselves with? And what investment stance will…
Creditex and Markit, in partnership with 14 major credit derivative dealers, today announced the results of a…
The European Energy Exchange AG (EEX) and Eurex achieved the highest monthly volume to date in October…