The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) have today published…
Joseph Kohanik, CEO of Alpha Financial Software, offers an update on the evolution of the mortgage market…
Rule Financial, an independent provider of business consultancy, IT consultancy and IT services to the global investment…
The soon to be introduced mandatory clearing mandate will require market participants to have a good understanding…
Rashad Kurbanov, Head of Advisory, Investance, explores how the trend towards the futurization of swaps may impact…
Unprecedented Company Growth Spurs Strategic Senior Management Appointments Numerix (, the leading provider of cross-asset analytics for…
Identifying Challenges, Staying Ahead of Market Trends and Adapting to Regulatory Change Cements O’Hanlon’s Place as Numerix’s…
New regulation for the OTC derivatives space will facilitate access to trade-centric information however, the wealth of…
Jeff Steiner of Gibson Dunn offers a high-level recap of the CFTC’s Futurization Roundtable on Jan 31st….
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today announced that staff will hold a public roundtable on Tuesday,…
Basel Committee and IOSCO Issue near Final Proposal on Margin Requirements for Non Centrally Cleared Derivatives
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) have today published…