Digital Transformation – What This Means for Investment Banking
GreySpark Partners recently published a report on Digital Transformation of Investment Banking which explores the emerging industrial revolution takin . . .
Blockchain and OTC Derivatives – A Look at a Recent Test of this Technology for CDS
Testing blockchain technology with credit default swaps. A look at how the test worked, what it revealed and what's next? Everyone is talking about . . .
MiFID II: What Does An Effective Programme Look Like? Podcast
In this DerivSource podcast, I speak to Jeremy Taylor, Strategy Owner, Capital Markets, at GFT about what constitutes an effective MiFID II programme . . .
FRTB – the Impact and Operational Challenges
What will the FRTB revisions mean for trading and derivatives?The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision or BCBS, kicked off this year by publishing t . . .
Swap Futures – are they Failing to Ignite Interest?
In this DerivSource podcast we examine if swap futures are failing to ignite interest among the buy side? Despite existing exchanges honing their o . . .
The Rise of Listed Dividend Derivatives
Listed dividend derivatives which is an emerging asset class many market participants are incorporating into their hedging strategies to hedge dividen . . .
CCP Clearing To Do’s – CCP Selecting and Getting Agreements In Order
Time is ticking for the CCP clearing mandate for OTC derivatives so asset managers must be registering with CCPs. In this DerivSource Industry In . . .
DerivSource Industry Influencer: Eugene Stanfield (5 of Series)
Regulation will continue to be a focus in 2016 as firms prepare for new OTC derivatives clearing and collateral requirements. In this DerivSource . . .
Preparing for EMIR CCP Clearing – A Buy-Side Firm Weighs in
What should asset managers know as they prepare for OTC derivatives clearing? In this DerivSource Industry Influencers Interview, David Brown, te . . .
Challenges Data Managers Face in ’16 and MiFID II Readiness
What are the challenges data managers in the OTC derivatives industry face in 2016? In this DerivSource Industry Influencers Interview, Chris Johnson . . .
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