AI and Derivatives – What You Need to Know
The FinTech space is booming, and newer technologies, including artificial intelligence and robotics, are gaining mainstream traction very fast. . . .
ICMA Survey: European Repo Market Showing Signs of Recovery
The International Capital Markets Association (ICMA) has published the results of its most recent survey of the European repo market and the findings . . .
Libor Ends 2021: JCRA’s Ivan Harkins Discusses What Follows
Many derivatives contracts are pegged to a benchmark reference rate that has become unreliable. Plagued by scandal and suffering from a lack of liquid . . .
The EMIR Margin Requirement for FX Forwards: Preparing for the January Deadline
In a podcast, we speak to Craig Bisson, partner at Simmons & Simmons about the EMIR margin requirements for physically settled FX forwards, which . . .
Cyber Security: What Should a Preparation Plan Look Like?
We’ve covered cyber security in the past on DerivSource and how the financial industry should focus on preparing a response to a cyber attack as suc . . .
What FinTech Innovations Are Disrupting the Post-Trade Space?
There is a great deal of hype around FinTech and RegTech, but looking behind the headlines, what are the innovations that are making a difference to . . .
Securities Settlement Failures – the Role Technology Plays in Improving Efficiency
Securities settlement failures are rife among global financial institutions, thanks to a variety of factors, including regional nuances and data discr . . .
SFTR: Overcoming the Challenges to Implementation
The Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR) has many of the same aims as the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) in terms of . . .
Cloud Computing: Transforming Capital Markets Infrastructure
Attitudes towards cloud computing have evolved significantly over the last decade, and the cloud now powers large portions of the capital markets from . . .
Co-Opetition: How Start-Ups and Partnerships Keep Wall Street Competitive
Wall Street is characterised by high levels of market concentration; a few key players dominate both financial markets as well as the FinTech industr . . .
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