Regulatory Harmonisation – Stumbling Blocks and Moving Forward
In this podcast we are talking about regulatory harmonisation across borders, or rather lack thereof. While regulators have been in agreemen . . .
Scrutiny over SEF Rules: CFTC Commissioner Giancarlo’s Whitepaper
A look at some of the criticisms outlined in the white paper and the proposed pro-reform agenda. The publication of the whitepaper "Pro Reform: Recon . . .
What If a CCP Fails?
A look at the recent proposals for CCP recovery & continuityThe debate over the recovery and resolution planning for central counterparties (CCPs) . . .
MiFID II Trade Reporting – Understanding Requirements & Challenges
Trade reporting is one element of MiFID II and Message Automation's David Farmery spoke to DerivSource about how firms (both buy side and sell side) n . . .
2015 Year in Preview
In this 15 minute DerivSource podcast we offer our listeners a quick review into the themes that are likely to dominate the derivatives market in 2015 . . .
2014: Year in Review
In this DerivSource podcast we provide a quick recap of the major milestones that took place in the last 12 months in the derivatives market including . . .
Collateral Management: Buy vs Build
In our October podcast, we discuss the decision to buy or build collateral management systems; a decision firms of all types have had to make or will . . .
EMIR Trade Reporting – Time to Refine Processes
The second EMIR trade reporting deadline for collateral and valuation data has come and gone but many firms continue to struggle to report the data re . . .
Non-cleared Derivatives: Preparing for new Margin Requirements under BCBS/IOSCO
In this podcast, DerivSource's Julia Schieffer interviews Nick Newport, director, InteDelta about how industry participants are changing collateral ma . . .
Collateral Management Solutions: Tips Before Sending the RFI/RFP
DerivSource's Julia Schieffer spoke to Jeff Campbell of Actualize Consulting on the trends impacting collateral management solutions. Tune in to hear . . .
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