Quantifi, a leading provider of analytics and risk management solutions to the global credit markets, has extended…
ICE Futures U.S.(TM), a leading regulated U.S. futures exchange for global agricultural, equity index and currency markets,…
While trade capture and confirmations/affirmations still constitute over 50% of OTC post-trade processing costs, the buy side…
Markit and Creditex today announced the launch of an industry-wide portfolio compression platform for the credit derivative…
Orc Software, the leading global provider of technology for advanced derivatives trading and connectivity solutions, today announced…
CME Group, the world’s largest and most diverse derivatives exchange and the largest regulated marketplace for foreign…
Managing counterparty credit risk has never been more important than today, when battered financial institutions face a…
CME Group, the world’s largest and most diverse derivatives exchange, announced today at the Burgenstock Derivatives conference…
GL TRADE, a global provider of multi-asset and multi-market solutions for financial institutions, today announced an agreement…
RTS Realtime Systems Group (RTS), a leading trading solutions provider, announced that the Kyte Group Limited (Kyte),…