Markit, a financial information services company and owner of the Markit CDX indices, today announced that the…
OpenPages®, a leading provider of enterprise GRC management solutions that optimise business performance, today announced that ICAP,…
Interactive Data Corporation (NYSE: IDC), a leading provider of financial market data, analytics and related services, today…
The International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA) today announced the successful implementation of its Protocol for…
Creditex and Markit, in partnership with 13 major credit derivative dealers, have successfully conducted four Credit Event…
Mindwell AB today announced a joint decision with Calypso Technology to further strengthen their partnership and collaborate…
CME Group, the world’s largest and most diverse derivatives exchange, today announced the launch of the latest…
TriOptima announced that its portfolio reconciliation service, triResolve, is now regularly reconciling more than 50 per cent…