H.R. 977 Builds on Last Year’s House-Passed Bill to Strengthen Oversight and Prevent Manipulation of Futures Markets…
Markit, a financial information services company, and RiskVal Financial Solutions, a provider of fixed-income trading and risk…
Orc Software (SSE: ORC), the leading global provider of technology for advanced derivatives trading and connectivity solutions,…
Numerix, the leading independent provider of advanced analytics for the derivative and structured products markets, and CMA,…
Excelian, specialist technology and support services consultancy, today announced it is now an official member of the…
Markit and Creditex, in partnership with major credit derivative dealers, today announced the results of Credit Event…
Part 2 – Comparing the ISDA bilateral exposure management model with a CCP The current bilateral exposure…
Skyler Technology Europe Ltd., an innovator in ultra-low latency market data solutions for the capital markets, today…
Derivix, a software company that provides options pricing, risk visualization and analytics solutions, today announced that its…
Markit today announced that Markit iTraxx LevX index dealers have voted for a Credit Event Auction to…
Credit Exposure Management in a Post-crisis World (2)
Part 2 – Comparing the ISDA bilateral exposure management model with a CCP The current bilateral exposure…