The Bank of New York Mellon, the global leader in asset management and securities servicing, has expanded…
Markit and Creditex, in partnership with six major credit derivative dealers, todayannounced the results of a Credit…
The European Association of Central Counterparty Clearing Houses (EACH), today issued its position paper “Strengthening market integrity…
– Markit Valuations Manager addresses urgent need for electronic client valuations Markit, a financial information services company,…
OTC Valuations Limited (OTC Val), a leading provider of independent valuation and transparency reports for structured products…
Commodity derivatives have been a growth market in the financial world. The pace of consolidation has quickened…
DTCC’s Loan/SERV Adopts Markit’s Entity Identifiers for Loan Reconciliation and Messaging The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation…
The U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office of the Comptroller of…
RTS Realtime Systems Group, a leading trading solutions provider, announced today that its front-end trading solutions were…
Earlier this month, policy makers on both sides of the Atlantic threatened to mandate the central clearing…
Supporters of a CCP for CDSs Must be doing a Victory Dance
Earlier this month, policy makers on both sides of the Atlantic threatened to mandate the central clearing…