LCH.Clearnet Ltd (LCH.Clearnet) is set to launch an innovative clearing service for the UK based spot market…
Report Published by Celent Middle and back office costs in Japan remain high, and firms are missing…
The International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA) today announced that it will launch a CDS auction…
DTN to Provide Cash Settlement Prices for New Agriculture OTC Products CME Group, the world’s largest and…
Nomura International plc has succesfully commenced trading its interbank interest rate business through SwapClear, becoming the only…
More than 100 new equity options based on DJ STOXX 600 index constituents will be added The…
Senior financial supervisors from seven countries (collectively, the Senior Supervisors Group) today issued a report that assesses…
– Independent research firm examines the financial impact of Calypso on one of the largest U.S. banks…
Understanding Securities Industry Risk by Using the TowerGroup Risk Management Matrix Stephen Bruel, Securities & Capital Markets…
Orc Software (SSE: ORC), the leading global provider of technology for advanced derivatives trading and connectivity solutions,…
Senior Supervisors Group Issues Report on Management of Recent Credit Default Swap Credit Events
Senior financial supervisors from seven countries (collectively, the Senior Supervisors Group) today issued a report that assesses…