Growing complexity in managing collateral resulting from new CCP collateral requirements and regulatory reform is driving buy-side…
Market participants encouraged to review document and submit comments The staff of the US Commodity Futures Trading…
European Commission Press Release The European Commission has opened two antitrust investigations concerning the Credit Default Swaps…
Staff of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today released a document setting forth concepts that it…
A New Report From Aite Group FinReg seeks to address systemic financial risk in OTC swap transactions,…
MIT (Micro Informatique & Technologies SA), Lausanne announces that it has developped a specific Basel II &…
Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA), the global hedge fund association, has launched an initiative to engage with…
Pricing Partners (, the world leader in OTC derivatives pricing analytics, mathematical models and independent valuations, announced…
Financial institutions are increasingly centralizing collateral management on a firm-wide basis to improve optimization capabilities and support…
The Securities and Exchange Commission today voted unanimously to propose rules further defining the terms “swap,” “security-based…
Custodians Gearing Up to Support More Complex Collateral Management Needs of Buy-Side Clients
Growing complexity in managing collateral resulting from new CCP collateral requirements and regulatory reform is driving buy-side…