This week ESMA sent a letter to the European Commission stating its intention on easing the frontloading requirements under EMIR with…
TriOptima, provider of OTC derivative post trade services, announces that it has completed the largest triReduce energy…
– SimCorp releases paper which analyses the role of effective data management in yielding competitive advantage for…
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has today sent a letter to the European Commission advancing…
SuperDerivatives, a leading financial information, derivatives technology and trade execution provider, has announced that its multi-bank multi-asset…
Proposed joint venture between two of the industry’s largest post-trade market infrastructures to launch new industry utilities…
The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s (Commission) Division of Clearing and Risk (DCR) today issued a time-limited…
S&P Capital IQ Leverages Numerix Analytics to Provide Best-in-class Instrument Pricing within its Next Generation Risk and…
TriOptima, provider of OTC derivative post trade services, announces that it eliminated ¥12.318 trillion ($120 Billion) notional…
Beginning today, market participants can submit event-specific reports more easily and securely because of new enhancements to…
ESMA States Intention to “Ease” Frontloading Requirement
This week ESMA sent a letter to the European Commission stating its intention on easing the frontloading requirements under EMIR with…