Eurex Clearing, Europe’s leading clearing house and part of Deutsche Börse Group, has connected Bloomberg as an…
Solution leverages new technology and componentized architecture to position global banks for growth Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc….
Quantifi, a specialist provider of risk, analytics and trading solutions announced that NewOak Capital LLC (“NewOak”) has…
TriOptima, the award-winning post trade infrastructure provider, announces today that its triResolve Repository Reconciliation service is actively…
AxiomSL, the leading global provider of regulatory reporting and risk management solutions, announced today that PNC, one…
The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today approved a final rule to amend a requirement that…
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has issued today two Opinions propos-ing amendments to its draft…
Firms are on the last lap to complying with the September uncleared margin requirements but hurdles remain.
Start-ups move into offices / Contribution to Hessian State Government’s FinTech initiative Deutsche Börse: Yesterday evening marked…
A look at why better transaction cost analysis is the first step in creating better algos for listed derivatives as well as OTC derivatives.
CFTC Approves Final Rule on Amendments to the Swap Portfolio Reconciliation Requirement
The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today approved a final rule to amend a requirement that…