Project Sentinel numbers increase as initiative starts work with its short-listed technology partners As Project Sentinel completes…
Lombard Risk Management plc (LSE: LRM), a leading provider of integrated collateral management and regulatory reporting solutions,…
A new whitepaper published today by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA) has identified a…
AxiomSL, the leading global provider of regulatory reporting and risk management solutions, announced today that a US…
A new academic literature review commissioned by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA) and published…
SmartStream Technologies, the Transaction Lifecycle Management (TLM®) specialist, today announced with immediate effect the appointment of Peter…
A cloud-based solution simplifying collateral in the buy-side world Lombard Risk Management plc (LSE: LRM), a leading…
Thunderhead to focus exclusively on the customer engagement market as it announces the sale of Smart Communications…
HSBC talks to DerivSource about the technology challenges firms face as optimize collateral for cleared OTC derivatives trades.
Launch comes ahead of new BCBS-IOSCO margin rules for non-cleared derivatives effective September 1, 2016; 16 global…
How HSBC Plans to Help the Buy Side Mobilize their Collateral
HSBC talks to DerivSource about the technology challenges firms face as optimize collateral for cleared OTC derivatives trades.