Sernova Financial, a new capital markets utility for post-trade futures and derivative clearing, has launched with FirstRand…
Lombard Risk Management plc (LSE: LRM), a leading provider of collateral management and regulatory reporting solutions, announces…
Cloud-Based Tool Enables Insurer to Meet Challenges of March 1 Regulatory Deadline RSA Insurance Group plc,…
March 1 Deadline in EU, UK, US and Elsewhere Challenges Firms to Find Fast, Efficient Ways to…
New Stakeholder Working Group will lead work to gather service requirements for Phase Two in $3 trillion…
FIX Trading Community, the non-profit, industry-driven standards body at the heart of global financial trading, today announced…
• Seventeen banks involved in Standard Initial Margin Model (SIMM) optimization tests • Pilots conducted over the…
Documentation is a big challenge but systems interoperability is the key to a long-term collateral management solution.
Eurex Clearing is one of the leading central counterparties globally — assuring the safety and integrity of…
New service, Relay, will help banks to meet the new Margin Requirements for Uncleared OTC Derivatives by…
Why Interoperability is Key in Preparing for VM Non-Cleared Margin Requirements
Documentation is a big challenge but systems interoperability is the key to a long-term collateral management solution.