SuperDerivatives®, the benchmark for options and the leading provider of multi-asset option pricing, independent revaluation, trading and…
Calypso Technology, Inc., a leading provider of capital markets trading software solutions, today announced that Landesbank Baden-Württemberg…
TriOptima announced today that the number of derivative dealers participating in its multi-lateral CDS index tranche terminations…
Banks and hedge funds will be able to access new hosted solutions for derivatives processing, treasury operations…
SmartStream Technologies, the Transaction Lifecycle Management specialist, has been awarded the prestigious SWIFTReady Gold Reconciliations label for…
Gnupur, an Iceland investment company has signed a deal with Misys, the leading treasury and capital markets…
GlobeOp Financial Services is launching its GoOTC service as a standalone outsourced package for over-the-counter (OTC) derivative…
Independent Valuation and Risk Services Limited (“IVRS), a subsidiary of Lombard Risk Management plc and a market…
SwapsWire announced today that it is rolling out its service in Korea this month. Tullett Prebon Money…
Global technology spending on OTC derivatives processing will increase from $187.8 million to $232.5 million by 2011….