Montréal Exchange Inc. (MX) (TSX:MXX) and The Options Industry Council (OIC), a world leader in options education…
SuperDerivatives®, the benchmark for derivatives pricing and the leading provider of multi-asset front-office systems, risk management, revaluation…
OTC derivatives processing remains manual, making trades slow to confirm. Credit derivatives are among the most rapidly…
Markit, the leading provider of independent data, portfolio valuations and OTC derivatives trade processing, and Liffe, the…
globalCOAL(R), the leading electronic marketplace for thermal coal, and IntercontinentalExchange (NYSE: ICE), a leading operator of global…
Quartet Financial Systems today announced that Natixis has completed the implementation of ActivePivot version 1.4 and launched…
Quantifi, a leading provider of analytics and risk management solutions for the global credit markets, today announced…
In the past nine months the global credit market saw a "flight from uncertainty" that dislocated market…
The Green ExchangeTM today announced that Goldman, Sachs & Co. has agreed to work toward building The…
Orc Software (SSE: ORC), the leading global provider of technology for advanced derivatives trading and connectivity, today…