During the week of 20 July 2009, Markit and Creditex will conduct a Credit Event Auction to…
CESR publishes today its final report (Ref. CESR/09-348) and feedback statement (Ref. CESR/09-349) on the transparency of…
Legislation for Strengthening Investor Protection Delivered to Capitol Hill Continuing its push to establish new rules of…
Joint Hearing on Regulation of OTC Derivatives Chairman Frank, Ranking Member Bachus, Chairman Peterson, Ranking Member Lucas,…
A market study, sponsored by SimCorp and conducted by independent consultant Paul Miller (now of specialist consulting…
A Northern Trust survey of institutional investors and investment managers finds an increasing demand for information and…
IntercontinentalExchange(R) (NYSE: ICE) today issued the following statement: ICE welcomes the opportunity to participate in the industry…
Report Published by Celent Changes since MiFID took effect have been drastic, with exchanges competing in an…
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission is directed by statute and provided with broad authorities to ensure the…
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) announced today the appointment of John P. Riley as director of…
Credit Event Auction Scheduled For The Week of 20 July 2009
During the week of 20 July 2009, Markit and Creditex will conduct a Credit Event Auction to…