The new Basel capital requirement standards agreed in late September are tackling a number of the right…
The Securities and Exchange Commission is seeking public comment on proposed regulations to require issuers of asset-backed…
The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that Heather Seidel has been named an Associate Director in…
Good afternoon. Thank you Commissioner Sommers for chairing today’s meeting of the Global Markets Advisory Committee. I…
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision today issued a set of principles for enhancing sound corporate governance…
Good morning. I thank the Wholesale Markets Brokers’ Association for inviting me to speak at the “Swap…
An Important Milestone Reached in Implementing the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act Convening today…
CME Group, the world’s leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace, made the following statement in response to…
Thank you for that kind welcome. It is an honor to be here today with the Capital…
Good morning Chairman Dodd, Ranking Member Shelby and members of the Committee. I thank you for inviting…
New Basel Bank Capital Standards Need Fine-tuning
The new Basel capital requirement standards agreed in late September are tackling a number of the right…