The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, April 12, 2011, at…
The Financial Stability Board (FSB) published today the national responses from its members to an FSB survey…
Opening Statement of Commissioner Scott D. O’Malia Introduction. Good morning and thank you for coming…
Chairman Gary Gensler Good morning Chairman Lucas, Ranking Member Peterson and members of the Committee. I thank…
Six federal agencies are seeking public comment on a proposed rule that would require sponsors of asset-backed…
The staffs of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Reserve, the Federal Deposit…
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, March 30, 2011,…
Chairman Gary Gensler Good afternoon Chairwoman Bowles and members of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee. I…
Chairman Gary Gensler I support the notice of proposed rulemaking on the Authority to Designate Financial Market…
Economic and monetary affairs More transparency, increased competition, the creation of a European credit rating foundation,…
CFTC to Hold Open Meeting on Thirteenth Series of Proposed Rules under the Dodd-Frank Act
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, April 12, 2011, at…