Author Description
Robert Van Doorn – Partner at Capital Edge consultancy limited. Robert is a trading and derivatives technology specialist with 20 years experience of successfully implementing large global programmes and strategies in the Investment banking industry. Most recently he has been responsible for managing a global Banks regulatory investment portfolio to simultaneously deliver the Dodd Frank programme whilst at the same time developing a global trade reporting infrastructure capable of meeting not only regulatory obligations but also providing trade data reporting capability for functions such as Finance, Risk and Sales. This global unified architecture won a “Euro money award” in 2014.
In 2015 Robert became partner of Capital Edge (CE). CE is an innovative and rapidly growing consulting firm founded in early 2012. The firm focuses on Front Office, Onboarding, Risk, Regulatory, Compliance and Technology Services providing expert Change delivery experience to some of the world’s largest Banks.
CE’s strategy is to identify and deliver smart solutions to the challenges of risk management and compliance to the finance industry. As a result, CE identifies and works with FinTec and RegTec Innovators in bringing their products to market. For the buyers of these products, CE identifies the right Fintec solution that benefits the firms businesses and effectively integrates the solutions into the operation of the client’s firm.
Regulatory Trade Reporting Lessons Learned So Far
Robert van Doorn, of Capital Edge shares lessons learned from his experiences around centralising data and building an operational infrastructure to support the regulatory trade reporting requirements.