TS Imagine, the leading global, cross-asset provider of trading, portfolio, and risk management solutions for sophisticated investors and…
CME Group, the world’s leading derivatives marketplace, today announced that it successfully converted 7.5 million contracts of Eurodollar futures…
Nick Wallis offers views on trade surveillance needs after completing his first year as Managing Director for EMEA…
Driving greater customer value through a single multi-asset class post-trade matching platform, leveraging FIX To better automate…
CAT Financial Products Ltd. (CATFP), one of the leading independent Swiss providers of securities and investment services for…
Katten’s regulatory approvals analysis to be incorporated in Databank Foreign Security Futures services FIA Tech, the leading…
London Stock Exchange Group plc (LSEG) today announces that Satvinder Singh will join as Group Head, Data…
Firms enhance business growth, reduce risk, increase efficiency, and reduce addressable costs by up to an estimated…
Transaction builds on AFX structure to expand and enhance AMERIBOR® adoption The American Financial Exchange (AFX), an…
Alveo announces the integration of Morningstar Sustainalytics’ ESG content into Alveo’s data management solution. The collaboration combines…
Modern Trade Surveillance: Smarter, More Flexible Regulatory Technology
Nick Wallis offers views on trade surveillance needs after completing his first year as Managing Director for EMEA…