Author Description

AcadiaSoft, Inc. is the leading industry provider of risk and collateral management services for the non-cleared derivatives community. The AcadiaSoft Hub encompasses a suite of applications and analytics that enable and measure the complete STP workflow from CSA agreement management, risk services, margin and collateral management through to settlement. Backed by 17 major industry participants and market infrastructures, AcadiaSoft is used by a community of more than 650 firms exchanging approximately $400B of collateral on a daily basis via its margin automation services. AcadiaSoft is headquartered in Norwell, MA, and has offices in London, New York and Tokyo. For more information, visit
UMR Preparedness – Your Questions Answered
In a DerivSource webinar held April 3rd 2019 with AcadiaSoft, a panel explored the structure of a…