A look at the recent proposals for CCP recovery & continuity
The debate over the recovery and resolution planning for central counterparties (CCPs) continues with ISDA recently publishing paper proposing consistent recovery and continuity frameworks for these market utilities. The proposed framework, which are in line with the recommendations made by CPMI / IOSCO in October 2014, provides a comprehensive and effective set of detailed measures to ensure a CCP’s ongoing viability.
In this DerivSource podcast we spoke to Michael Beaton, Managing Partner of Derivatives Risk Solutions (DRS), about some of the details of the ISDA-proposed framework and why recovery and resolution planning is so important for CCPs and for the financial industry in general.
Listen here and read the transcript below.
Learn more about the ISDA paper: http://development.derivsource.com/articles/isda-proposes-ccp-recovery-and-continuity-framework
CPMI-IOSCO pape: http://www.bis.org/cpmi/publ/d121.pdf