A recap of the industry news in the last week
New research on collateral management realities for firms in Europe
A new research report published by Euroclear and produced by AIte Group highlights the realities facing treasurers and collateral managers in Europe. The report, which surveyed respondents from 20 firms, highlights many areas where industry action is needed to support market participants as they navigate a changing collateral management space. Specifically, the report found that collateral transformation rates high among respondents’’ agendas as does the need for market standards, which is driving a focus on collateral optmisation.
Source: http://development.derivsource.com/articles/euroclear-publishes-collateral-management-survey-report
New Entrant to the Repo Market
Interdealer broker, Tradition, plans to launch DBV-X, a new EU regulated marketplace for collateral and secured deposits, in Europe later this year. The new venue will provide market participants with access to a wide range of counterparties and high-quality liquid assets.
The new venue has appointed Euroclear to act as its tri-party agent in Europe and will also use Euroclear’s RepoAccess GMRA based legal model.
Source: http://development.derivsource.com/articles/dbv-x-enhance-collateral-and-liquidity-management-europe
Deutsche Bank Considering Exiting UK
Deutsche Bank is considering a possible move of some of its’ UK operations to Germany if the UK exits the EU. The bank has established a working group to review what a possible UK exit from the EU would mean for the bank’s UK presence. The British referendum on membership with the EU is expected to take place in the next two years.
Source: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/54d81c8e-fd76-11e4-9e96-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3agWIQveW