An On Demand DerivSource Webinar
As asset managers prepare for central clearing of OTC derivatives under EMIR, they must clearly understand the asset segregation models available and the pros and cons of each.
In a DerivSource On Demand webinar, buy-side consultant, Jaki Walsh of Derivati Consulting reviews the various asset segregation structures available (omnibus, individual, LSOC) and explores the cost, risk governance considerations asset managers should take on board when selecting the best structure and set up to support central clearing.
Tune in to hear:
- • a comparison of the account structures available
- • the cost and risk governance considerations for reviewing all models
- • other considerations for establishing the best balance of segregation across the entire lifecycle (CCPs, brokers and custodians)
- • Jaki Walsh, Derivati Consulting
- • Julia Schieffer, DerivSource
Questions welcome!
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