CounterpartyLink today announced two new Business Development Managers, Catherine Michel-Lefebvre and Helga Saraiva, have joined the firm, both from Thomson Reuters.
Catherine and Helga bring over 20 years combined experience serving the financial sector, working directly with preeminent financial services institutions, delivering financial information solutions.
CounterpartyLink’s primary focus is on providing fast, rigorous and robust processes of legal entity investigation with the assurances required by regulators that any entity’s existence, identity and ownership hierarchies are validated. The company prides itself on providing the most accurate data available on legal entities to the financial industry.
James Redfern, CEO of CounterpartyLink, welcomed the new hires to his team, saying: “Catherine and Helga both have more than ten years’ experience of strategic sales as well as multilingual skills. We are seeing significant growth as CounterpartyLink has become a leading global intelligence and services provider for regulation and compliance, so I am delighted to have them on board and see them as a fantastic addition to our team.”
Says Helga Saraiva: “I find CounterpartyLink’s product offering particularly interesting because of the increasing regulatory pressures on financial institutions. The focus may currently be on LEI and FATCA, but accurate ownership information is an area that will continue to be core to good risk management for the investment community. I appreciate CounterpartyLink’s style of client management and its strategy of building and maintaining long-term relationships. I am confident that my experience of driving sales growth and managing accounts will make a strong contribution to CounterpartyLink.”
“I certainly like to take a long-term approach to my client engagements and relationships too,” agrees Catherine Michel-Lefebvre. “I also see great opportunities in the new CPL Online service. What attracted me to CounterpartyLink are the excellent commercial opportunities and the potential to develop partner-style relationships with clients, based on quality, service and value.”
CPL Online is CounterpartyLink’s new web-based interface with real-time access to data and evidence stores. It gives the user the instant ability to retrieve and cross reference over 100 data fields from LEIs/CICIs, tax IDs and BIC codes to registered addresses, beneficial ownership details and much more – not just for financial institutions but also corporations, governments and funds from over 190 jurisdictions. CounterpartyLink is unique in that its primary method of data sourcing is to go directly to all primary sources, such as registration authorities, regulators and exchanges.