Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP), the largest single-profession pension plan in Canada, has selected SunGard’s Adaptiv Riskbox to help manage market and credit risk exposures across its portfolio of equities, bonds, commodities, real assets and absolute return strategies. OTPP will use Adaptiv Riskbox to calculate risk numbers both absolute and relative to benchmarks.
Pension funds and other financial services firms continue to look to strengthen their risk management processes by increasing transparency and implementing more accurate and timely reporting tools.
Adaptiv Riskbox offers a single platform for enterprise reporting and control of both market and credit risk, helping financial services firms analyze, share and explain risk results quickly and accurately. Dealers and risk professionals share the same environment, helping to increase communication and transparency. In addition, the solution’s turnkey design makes it quick to implement and easy to drill down into exposures.
Adaptiv Riskbox will help OTPP more effectively measure risk and manage its risk mitigation goals by providing detailed views of the underlying information that comprises the risk models. It will also help OTPP measure its performance against fund benchmarks, provide senior management with “what if” calculations for more informed decision making, and manage its daily risk production.
Barbara Zvan, senior vice-president and chief investment risk officer of Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, said, “SunGard understands our requirements and is committed to providing a successful implementation. SunGard’s Adaptiv Riskbox will help us comprehensively measure and manage market risk exposures relative to benchmarks, as well as helping us improve access to the risk numbers around both market and credit risk.”
Craig Schachter, senior vice president of SunGard’s capital markets business, said, “SunGard is helping OTPP expand its risk measurement capabilities across its diverse portfolio and give senior managers throughout the firm the ability to analyze the risk numbers at the individual trade level.”