Calypso Technology Inc, today announcedthe annual major version release of its integrated trading applicationsuite to the capital markets industry. The new version, Version 10incorporates significant enrichment of front office tools forstructuring products and managing real-time intraday risk and P&Lanalysis; more robust risk management capabilities on a desk andenterprise level; and new capabilities to the Calypso Fast-Trackproduct, shortening time-to-value during implementations.
"Today, financial services firms are struggling with processingbacklogs created by the growing volume of increasingly complex productsincluding treasuries and derivatives. In addition, continued manualprocessing is slowing innovation and creating additional costs anderrors," stated Stephen Bruel, analyst at TowerGroup.
Charles Marston, ceo of Calypso, commented, "Version 10 is designed toenable Calypso users to successfully manage current market challengesand innovate to stay competitive. Additionally, clients can implementCalypso’s solutions faster than ever as we continue to build upon ourCalypso Fast-Track solution with additional pre-configured environmentsfor multiple asset classes."
New capabilities for Version 10 include:
Enhanced, real-time intraday risk and P&L analysis – users can add theirown analysis that traders configure "on the fly" – including referenceentity, counterparty, strategy, sector and region – improving visibilityand providing actionable information on a global, cross-asset basis.Traders can view winners and losers by strategy, reference entity andother user-defined criteria using the Calypso Workstation.
Significantly enhanced front-office capabilities – V10 includes a variety of enhancements to help traders innovate further while improvingrisk management, compliance and productivity. New functionalityincludes a structured products packaging application, dynamiccalibration, HyperSurfaces to model multidimensional market data,additional 3D graphics for modeling, and a configurable TraderWorkstation. Additional product coverage includes expanded support forinflation products, repurchase agreements and several other products.
Market risk and capital analysis – provides risk managers with greatertransparency and drill-down capabilities on Value-at-Risk and stresstests with the ability to view Market Risk Capital requirements overtime for any organization or business unit.
Enhancements to streamline implementation – including more market data,currencies, countries, workflows and expanded configuration data inCalypso Fast-Track, plus new data and application migration tools.
Calypso V10 also builds on the industry-leading back office processingcapabilities with enhanced cash management, a new securities financingfront-end application and additional interfaces to third-party paymentand clearing services.
In 1998, Calypso introduced the first integrated trading softwareapplication suite designed with true front-to-back office functionalityas well as cross-asset trading capabilities from the outset. Capitalmarkets firms, including global banks, regional banks, asset managers,hedge funds and other trading institutions have increasingly adoptedCalypso’s platform and help inform the direction of the new versions.
"Our clients worldwide continue to need more sophisticated tradingsystems in order to innovate and leverage market opportunities generatedby new products," said Marston. "Calypso’s Java-based architectureallows us to quickly introduce enhancements required by rapidly changingmarkets," he continued. The Calypso software platform, originallydeveloped over a decade ago, continues to evolve with changing marketconditions and has undergone nine major releases since its inception.