FFastFill will be supporting the new Turquoise Derivatives market with its trading, post trade and risk management services to brokers on the first go-live date.
The new connectivity services will be in place when the new trading platform, SOLA 2.1 goes live, which is expected to be 16th May 2011. Turquoise Derivatives has already announced it will provide trading in pan-European single name and index futures and options shortly after the technology migration.
Unlike the Turquoise Equities market, which trades on the LSE’s Millennium IT platform, Turquoise’s Derivatives application will be installed on the TMXSOLA platform.
FFastFill will support these new products from their front office execution applications including TradingPro and FIX trading software, straight through to their middle and back office applications of SEALS and Eclipse respectively. FFastFill are able to provide either a full turnkey solution, or individual applications, via its highly successful Software as a Service Delivery model.
Natan Tiefenbrun, commercial director of Turquoise commented, “We are delighted to have FFastFill’s support for the launch of our derivatives initiative, and look forward to the liquidity that their customers will contribute to our market.”
Turquoise Derivatives products will also be available to non LSE and non Turquoise members via FFastFill’s Horizon multi broker trading solution, enabling companies without direct membership to the London exchange to access these products, and over sixty other trading venues, via other LSE/Turquoise memberships on the FFastFill network. Risk management functions are applied at each step from the client to broker, broker to broker and broker to exchange path, enabling risk managers at every stage to continuously monitor and control any trading risk.
Robert Walton, managing director, Business Development, commented: “Offering Turquoise Derivatives for trading, clearing, and settlement on launch day demonstrates FFastFill as being not only at the forefront of technological advances, but also at the forefront of exchange offering capability, in addition to highlighting FFastFill’s dominant position for derivatives STP and Risk Management .”