Product Advisory Committee to provide recommendations on the ISO standard implementation
Etrading Software (ETS), global provider of technology-led solutions designed for financial institutions and industry initiatives, acting as an exclusive Registration Authority (RA) for the new International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) standard for Digital Token Identifiers (DTIs) is today calling for new members for its Product Advisory Committee (PAC) with an application closing date of 17th May 2021.
The PAC will provide a forum for industry to discuss how future regulatory changes will impact the crypto-market landscape. Other key objectives of the PAC are to provide recommendations on the ISO DTI implementation to ETS and to arbitrate on disputes related to DTI issuance. The scope of work includes providing advice on the utilization of DTIs, on the issuance process for DTIs as well as to advise ETS on the implementation of future product enhancements to support RA responsibilities. Full PAC Charter can be downloaded here.
Sassan Danesh, Managing Partner of Etrading Software, said, “Etrading Software is delighted to be the exclusive registration authority for the new DTI and we are looking for PAC members to join us in contributing to the dialogue with public authorities about the role standardisation can play in the crypto-markets. We are looking for participants who have expertise in standards, and who appreciate the unique considerations digital assets require when creating effective identifiers. We know that the PAC will play a crucial part in ensuring DTIs are tailor made for the industry and bring further efficiencies to the market.”
James Haskell, Business Operations Officer at Etrading Software, said, “We are really excited about this opportunity to bring together industry experts to help shape discussions between industry and the public bodies regarding standardisation in the crypto-markets. We encourage those who are suitable to apply before the 17th May. DTIs will bring many benefits to users of this burgeoning asset-class, from improving liquidity, allowing for easier identification of counterparties, facilitating price discovery and improving the operational efficiency of post-trade processing. We welcome applications from those already involved in the digital asset space with experience in data standards to join our PAC to take this DTI project to the next stage.”
The PAC will start from June 2021 and will run for two years. The invitation to participate, framework document and application form are available through this link.