New online tool displays data on the trading of exchange-traded derivatives
FIA today announced the release of the FIA ETD Tracker, a new tool on its website that provides insights on trends in the trading of futures and options on exchanges worldwide.
The ETD Tracker consists of interactive visualizations that allow users to view monthly data on volume and open interest. The visualizations include filters based on data, region and jurisdiction as well as asset group and type of product, which allows users to focus on particular segments of the global exchange-traded derivatives markets.
“This new tool will allow users to track trends in the trading of futures and options worldwide and filter the data down to specific regions and asset classes and even specific exchanges,” said Walt Lukken, FIA’s president and chief executive officer. “We hope this tool will make it easier for both industry stakeholders and the public to see how these markets are growing and evolving.”
The visualizations are powered by FIA Tech, a provider of operational and technology solutions for the exchange-traded derivatives industry. In 2021 FIA sold a majority stake in the company to a consortium of 10 clearing firms. For more information about FIA Tech, visit its website here.
The ETD Tracker is based on data collected from approximately 80 exchanges around the world. The data are collected on a monthly basis. Volume is measured by the number of contracts traded each month. Open interest is measured as the number of contracts outstanding at the end of the month.
The ETD Tracker is the fourth in a series of data services that FIA provides to its members and the public. The other three are the FCM Tracker, the SEF Tracker and the CCP Tracker. For more information, visit the data resources page of the FIA website.