Eurex Clearing is one of the leading central counterparties globally — assuring the safety and integrity of markets while providing innovation in risk management, clearing technology and client asset protection. We clear the broadest scope of products under a single framework in Europe — both listed products and OTC — and accept the world’s widest spectrum of eligible collateral.
Eurex Clearing provides its services for derivatives, equities, bonds and secured funding and securities financing market. We stand between the buyer and the seller, which makes us central counterparty for all your transactions. We mitigate your counterparty risk and maximize your operational efficiency. Our one-stop shop offering combines seamless post-trade services, efficient collateral and delivery management with an industry leading risk management — to keep you clear to trade.
At Eurex Clearing increasing market integrity is key. We were the world’s first Clearing House to provide our customers with derivatives risk data in real-time to allow our participants to detect risks promptly and react within seconds. Various risk management services benefit both our customers and the greater marketplace by enhancing overall safety.
Eurex Clearing serves 176 Clearing Members in 17 countries, managing a collateral pool of EUR 50 billion and processing a gross risk valued at almost EUR 16 trillion every month. In 2014, we cleared around 1.5 billion derivatives contracts.