The ICMA Dutch regional committee cordially invites members to join its annual seminar. This year’s theme is around the future of bond market liquidity.
Kees de Kort, Macro Economic Analyst will deliver a keynote speech on “When will the band stop playing?”, providing a macro view of liquidity in the bond markets. Mr. de Kort is a regular comentator on financial markets and economy on BNR News radio with his column “De Kort door de Bocht”. His views on economic developments are very outspoken and often contrarian to current market sentiment. During his career, Kees Kort worked as stock market analyst and macro analyst for various financial services companies in the Netherlands such as Staalbankiers, research company Financiële Diensten Amsterdam (FDA), De Nieuwe Doelen Effecten and AFS.
Andy Hill, Senior Director, ICMA will briefly present the findings of ICMA’s 2nd study into the state and evolution of the European investment grade corporate bond markets. A panel of market experts will then discuss the key drivers behind bond market liquidity, and the extent to which it is becoming more challenging both to provide and source liquidity. They will further examine how this is driving changes in market dynamics and participant behaviour, both for the sell-side and buy-side firms, as well as the evolution of market structure. Finally, they will look to the challenges ahead, not least monetary policy and new regulation, and try to predict the future of Europe’s bond markets.
Admission: This event is free of charge and open to all ICMA members and to interested financial market participants.
Full details and booking: