Results show that derivatives systems and client reporting are top of buy-side technology agenda
SimCorp, a leading provider of investment management solutions and services for the global financial services industry, today released the results of a buy-side technology priority survey conducted in December 2012. The survey polled nearly 70 executives from close to 50 buy-side firms across North America.
The SimCorp survey gauged respondents’ opinions on where their firms would be making new technology investments or upgrades within the next two years. Poll results revealed that over 32% of the investment industry plan to invest in new or updated derivatives systems, likely in reaction to the regulatory changes in the OTC derivatives processing space. Approximately 31% of respondents are investing in client reporting.
Additionally, 28% of respondents indicated that building an investment book of record (IBOR) to centralize position-keeping across all assets is priority this year.
“Given the interest we see from clients, it is no surprise that derivatives systems and client reporting are at the top of the list. We are, however, very pleased to see the continued focus on having a solid investment book of record, as that is the backbone of any reliable investment management system,” states Klaus Holse, CEO of SimCorp.
Sean Owens, Director of Fixed Income and Derivatives at Woodbine Associates, comments, “While it is no surprise that derivatives systems top the list, the real question is what approach firms will take to processing derivatives. If firms take a derivatives only system approach, without leveraging the available funding for multi-asset class system capabilities and the IBOR, then there is a missed opportunity for a 360 degree view into asset and exposure tracking.”