The Board of Directors of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) today announced the appointment of Agustín Carstens as chair of the BIS Consultative Council for the Americas (CCA). Mr Carstens is Governor of the Bank of Mexico.
Mr Carstens’ appointment is for a term of two years as from 10 January 2012. He succeeds José De Gregorio, Governor of the Central Bank of Chile, who chaired the Council from January 2011 to December 2011. The BIS Board and CCA Governors expressed their gratitude to Mr De Gregorio for his leadership during his time as Chair. Mr De Gregorio’s term as Governor of the Central Bank of Chile expired in December 2011.
The CCA comprises the Governors of the BIS member central banks in the Americas 1 . It was established in 2008 to facilitate communication between these central banks and the BIS Board and Management on matters of interest to the central banking community in the region. The BIS Representative Office for the Americas, located in Mexico City, provides the Secretariat for the CCA.