CMA, the leading provider for intraday CDS data and OTC market solutions, has announced the launch of a new product that takes into account the CDS ‘Quanto’ spread of key Euro-zone Sovereigns.
Given European sovereign CDS are typically traded in USD and not the domestic currency (Euros), in order to accurately mark-to-market, holders of Sovereign and large Corporate CDS need to understand the impact on domestic spreads from the implied change in the FX rate in the event of a default. Quanto spreads in Euro-zone Sovereigns suggest that the EUR/USD FX rate is likely to reduce in value, introducing a devaluation risk. The CDS Quanto spread therefore reflects how the market adjusts prices to factor in this risk.
CMA Datavision™ CDS Quanto data provides clients with access to full CDS currency curves that factor in market implied FX devaluation factors based on Quanto spreads observed in the market. Additionally, the following information is made available:
■ Underlying currency curves
■ Par spreads, quote spreads, percent-of-par and Upfront price formats
■ Implied devaluation factor
Jav Bose, product owner for the CMA Datavision™ product line explains: “Full term non-standard term structures can be created from a single 5 year observed Quanto spread by determining the market implied devaluation factor. The results produce curve differentials which are not constant across the term structure and essential for accurately pricing non standard CDS currency exposure.”
CMA Datavision™ CDS services, which include single name CDS, indices, tranches, sovereigns, LCDs and Quantos are available directly from CMA and key channel partners.