Following the recent redesign of theScreener’s premium product “theScreener Lab”, customers now have direct access to information on structured products by the market leader Derivative Partners.
How to find the right product for a certain underlying? Until today the necessary information had to be retrieved from different sources, as the world of equity research used to be apart from structured product information. Thanks to a smart link between theScreener’s evaluations of underlying equities and Derivative Partners’ comprehensive product site, investors can now benefit from a seamless service.
Andreas Lusser, ceo of theScreener states: “The cooperation with Derivative Partners with their excellent analysis allows us to provide our customers with the best possible data. The combination of information on the underlying with the related structured products gives the investor the optimal information for well considered decisions.”
Also Derivative Partners is pleased about the cooperation. Andreas Kropf, executive board member of Derivative Partners: “The new combined service will enable users of “theScreener Lab”, to find all Swiss derivatives on a certain underlying with a single click. This new service increases the investment efficiency significantly.”