OnixS announces the availability of the OnixS directConnect: OSE J-Gate Market Data and Trade Handler solution for the new Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) J-GATE derivatives trading platform.
OSE is a premier exchange for derivatives trading. OSE lists the Nikkei 225 mini futures contract and is one of the worlds most active equity index futures markets. The exchange’s new J-GATE platform provides dramatically increased throughput and decreased order latency.
Wayne Meikle, commercial director, of OnixS said “By releasing the OnixS directConnect: OSE J-Gate solution OnixS provides high-speed access for market data and execution management of latency-critical trading strategies. This is part of our strategic expansion of our directConnect range of solutions for major FX, equities and exchange traded derivatives venues. We see high levels of demand for Asia-Pacific trading venues, and will continue our focus on providing market leading DMA solutions for these markets”.
OnixS’s range of directConnect DMA solutions provides HFT trading firms with a direct market access solutions that are designed to be closely coupled to trading strategy algorithms, that are a cost-effective solution for traders, provide full market data handler order book management, high-speed order execution and sophisticated trade management.