IntercontinentalExchange (NYSE: ICE), a leading operator of global regulated futures exchanges, clearing houses and over-the-counter (OTC) markets, today announced the launch of 39 new cleared OTC energy contracts for global oil and refined petroleum products, North American power, North American natural gas and natural gas liquids.
All of the new contracts will be available for the trade date of Monday, December 13, 2010. With the products announced today, ICE will offer over 370 cleared OTC energy contracts, including more than 275 new cleared OTC contracts since the launch of ICE Clear Europe in November 2008.
The new contracts are:
Global Oil and Refined Petroleum Products
0.1% Gasoil CIF NWE Cargoes vs. Gasoil 1st Line BALMO Swap (DVA-DWE)
0.1% Gasoil FOB Rotterdam Barges BALMO Swap (EJA-EKE)
0.1% Gasoil FOB Rotterdam Barges vs. Gasoil 1st Line BALMO Swap (DXA-DYE)
1% Fuel Oil FOB MED Cargoes BALMO Swap (DJA-DKE)
1% Fuel Oil FOB NWE Cargoes vs. 3.5% Rotterdam Barges BALMO Swap (FCA-FDE)
1% Fuel Oil FOB Rotterdam Barges vs. 1% Fuel Oil FOB NWE Cargoes BALMO Swap (DLA-DME)
3.5% Fuel Oil FOB MED Cargoes vs. 3.5% FOB Rotterdam Barges BALMO Swap (DTA-DUE)
Diesel 10 ppm (UK) CIF NWE Cargoes Swap (DCN)
Diesel 10ppm CIF NWE Cargoes vs. Gasoil 1st Line Swap (DCG)
Diesel 10ppm FOB Rotterdam Barges Swap (DOR)
Jet CIF NWE Cargoes BALMO Swap (ELA-EME)
Naphtha CIF NWE Cargoes BALMO Swap (EAA-EBE)
ULSD 10ppm CIF NWE Cargoes Swap (ULN)
ULSD 10ppm CIF MED Cargoes Swap (UCM)
The European-based physical base products above appear in Platts European Marketscan.
0.5% Singapore Gasoil vs. Gasoil 1st Line Swap (MT) (SGG)
The physical-base product above appears in Platts Asia-Pacific Arab Gulf Marketscan.
Daily Brent CFD vs. First Month (CFP)
Daily Brent CFD vs. Second Month (CFE)
Daily Brent CFD vs. Third Month (CFR)
Daily Platts Dated Brent Swap (CFN)
The above crude oil physical bases appear in Platts Crude Oil Marketwire.
Crude Fin FP, for TMX 1A (TMX)
Crude Fin FP, for TMX 1B (TDX)
North American Power
PJM PECO Zone Day Ahead, Peak Monthly (PCP)
PJM PECO Zone Day Ahead, Off-Peak Monthly (PCO)
PJM BGE Zone Day Ahead, Peak Monthly (BGY)
PJM BGE Zone Day Ahead, Off-Peak Monthly (BGZ)
PJM PPL Zone Day Ahead, Peak Monthly (PPP)
PJM PPL Zone Day Ahead, Off-Peak Monthly (PPO)
PJM WH Real Time Peak Option (PJM)
MISO Cinergy Hub, Real Time Peak Option (CIN)
Mid C Real Time Peak Option (MDC)
SP-15 EZ Gen Hub Day Ahead LMP Peak Option (SPM)
North American Natural Gas
Natural Gas Index Swap: Transco Station 65 (SIA)
Natural Gas Swing Swap: Transco Station 65 (SSA)
Natural Gas Swing Swap: Lebanon (LBN)
The products above appear in Platts Gas Daily.
Natural Gas Basis Swap: Texas Gas Transmission Zone 1 (TGB)
The product above appears in Platts Inside FERC.
Fixed Price for CGPR 5a, AB-NIT (NGA)
Natural Gas Liquids
Ethane, Mt Belvieu – ENT (non-TET) FP for OPIS BALMO Swap (EEA-EFE)
Natgaso, Mt Belvieu – ENT (non-TET) FP for OPIS BALMO Swap (LGA-LHE)
Propane, Conway, FP for OPIS BALMO Swap (LIA-LJE)
ICE Clear Europe enables the efficient development of new products to support the risk management needs of member firms and customers in ICE’s global energy futures and OTC markets. In 2002, ICE pioneered the concept of cleared OTC energy contracts, which provide participants with access to centralised clearing and settlement arrangements while reducing bilateral credit risk and capital required for each OTC trade.