IntercontinentalExchange (NYSE: ICE), a leading operator of regulated global futures exchanges, clearing houses and over-the-counter (OTC) markets, today reported strong futures volume growth for August 2010. Average daily volume (ADV) for ICE’s futures markets was 1,197,848 contracts, up 19% from August 2009.
Year-to-date through August 31, 2010, ADV across ICE’s futures exchanges was 1,300,209 contracts, an increase of 28% compared to the same period of 2009. Total futures volume in August 2010 was 26.3 million contracts.
August 2010 Review
* ICE Futures Europe records achieved in August:
o The exchange established an overall open interest record in August, along with open interest records for ICE ECX emissions futures and options and ICE WTI options.
* Open interest at ICE’s CDS clearing houses surpassed $1 trillion in August, and buy-side CDS clearing at ICE Trust crossed $2 billion in gross notional value.
* Through August 27, ICE’s CDS clearing houses have cleared $11.5 trillion in gross notional value on a cumulative basis on 286,645 transactions. ICE currently lists 243 CDS contracts for clearing.
o ICE Trust U.S. (ICE Trust) has cleared $7 trillion of gross notional value since inception, including $409 billion in single-name CDS, resulting in open interest of $488 billion. ICE Trust offers clearing for 35 indexes and 81 single-name instruments.
o ICE Clear Europe has cleared euro 3.3 trillion ($4.5 trillion) of gross notional value since inception, including euro 512 billion in single-name CDS, resulting in euro 437 billion ($554 billion) of open interest. ICE Clear Europe offers clearing for 26 indexes and 101 single-name instruments.
* Trading days in August 2010:
o ICE Futures Europe: 22
o ICE Futures U.S.: 22
o ICE Futures Canada: 21
o Chicago Climate Futures Exchange: 22
ICE Futures Contracts & Markets Monthly ADV
Product Line ADV ADV ADV
August August % Change
2010 2009
ICE Brent Crude futures &
options 378,363 265,708 42.4
ICE Gasoil futures & options 179,673 128,052 40.3
ICE WTI Crude futures & options 203,353 189,538 7.3
ICE ECX emissions futures &
options 17,941 13,495 32.9
Other futures contracts (1) 15,783 10,559 49.5
TOTAL ICE FUTURES EUROPE 795,113 607,352 30.9
Index futures & options (2) 154,012 132,842 15.9
Sugar No. 11 futures & options 121,465 189,682 -36.0
Other agricultural commodity
contracts (3) 89,135 57,464 55.1
Currency futures and options
contracts (4) 23,562 11,562 103.8
TOTAL ICE FUTURES U.S. 388,174 391,550 -0.9
CCFE(5) 14,561 9,863 47.6
————————– —— —– —-
TOTAL FUTURES CONTRACTS 1,197,848 1,008,765 18.7
———————– ——— ——— —-
(1) "Other futures contracts" include ICE Middle East Sour Crude futures; ICE ASCI Gulf Coast Sour Crude futures; ICE Heating Oil futures; ICE Unleaded Gasoline Blendstock (RBOB) futures; ICE UK Natural Gas futures; ICE UK Electricity futures; ICE Coal futures; and ICE Dutch TTF Gas futures.
(2) "Index futures & options" includes Russell 2000(R) mini futures and options and futures for the Russell 1000(R) mini, the Continuous Commodity Index, the Euro Index and the NYSE Composite.
(3) "Other agricultural commodity contracts" include futures and/or options for Cocoa, Coffee "C", Cotton No. 2, Orange Juice, Sugar No. 14 and Sugar No. 16.
(4) "Currency futures and options" include futures and options for the U.S. Dollar Index and foreign exchange.
(5) ICE acquired Chicago Climate Futures Exchange (CCFE) on July 8, 2010. Prior-year amounts do not include CCFE volume and percentage change does not include CCFE prior-year volume.
ICE Futures Year-to-Date ADV
8-mos 2010 8-mos 2009 Percent Change
———- ———- ————–
ICE Futures Europe 855,463 632,626 35.2
—————— ——- ——- —-
ICE Futures U.S. 427,388 368,224 16.1
—————- ——- ——- —-
ICE Futures Canada &
CCFE 17,358 13,789 25.9
——————– —— —— —-
Total Futures 1,300,209 1,014,639 28.1
————- ——— ——— —-
ICE Futures Monthly and Year-to-Date Volume
August 2010 August 2009 Percent Change
ICE Futures Europe 17,492,480 12,754,390 37.1
ICE Futures U.S. 8,539,824 8,222,549 3.9
ICE Futures Canada &
CCFE 306,632 197,253 55.5
Total Futures 26,338,936 21,174,192 24.4
8-mos 2010 8-mos 2009 Percent Change
ICE Futures Europe 142,862,272 106,913,868 33.6
ICE Futures U.S. 71,373,872 61,493,443 16.1
ICE Futures Canada &
CCFE 2,902,431 2,302,737 26.0
——————– ——— ——— —-
Total Futures 217,138,575 170,710,048 27.2
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ICE Futures Open Interest
August 31, 2010 December 31, 2009
ICE Futures Europe 3,422,451 2,647,694
ICE Futures U.S. 3,010,729 3,375,176
—————- ——— ———
ICE Futures Canada &
CCFE 321,291 118,181
——————– ——- ——-
Prior-year amounts do not include CCFE volume and percentage change does not include CCFE prior-year volume.
Rolling Three-Month Average Rate per Contract (RPC)
Three Months Three Months Three Months
Product Line Ending Ending Ending
August 2010 July 2010 June 2010
ICE Futures Europe $1.52 $1.51 $1.49
ICE Futures U.S.
Ag $2.18 $2.18 $2.19
—————- —– —– —–
ICE Futures U.S.
Fin $0.73 $0.71 $0.71
—————- —– —– —–
RPC is calculated by dividing transaction revenues by contract volume, and may vary based on pricing, customer and product mix.
Historical futures volume, rate per contract and OTC commission data can be found at: