OptionsCityTM is pleased to announce the release of OptionsCity Metro 2.0. This latest release includes much anticipated features such as a faster mass quoting engine and new market making algorithms, additional options pricing models and volatility skewing functionality, a brand new chatting framework, and additional exchange connectivity and order routing options.
“With the rollout of Metro 2.0, we are enabling traders to make faster and more informed trades with increased accuracy and efficiency,” said Victor Glava, cto and VP Development. “We are delighted with the new set of features in this release, as well as the ability to cater to brokers and other new types of customers.”
OptionsCity Metro 2.0 new functionality includes:
• Significant Quote Engine performance enhancements and new market making
• State-of-the-art chatting capabilities that allow traders to collaborate faster, control
the system, query for critical information and trade from within the chatting
• New pricing and skewing functionality with ability to imply and match markets.
• Connectivity and routing to additional exchanges.
• Capability to cater to brokers by managing orders and risk across multiple accounts. • Expanded safety and protection capabilities for mass quoting and automatic trading.
OptionsCity Metro is a fully configurable electronic trading platform that creates a distinctive edge by enabling options traders to have full control over trading, safety and risk management. This powerful solution automates market making and trading strategies while the innovative graphical representation and framework allows traders to expand their trading portfolio with minimum effort.