NYSE Euronext (NYX) today announced trading volumes for its global cash equities and derivatives exchanges for January 2009[1].
Cash Trading
U.S. cash products handled average daily volume (“ADV”) decreased 8.9% to 3.5 billion shares[2].
* Total NYSE-listed (Tape A) consolidated volume increased 8.3% to 5.4 billion shares.
* NYSE-listed matched volume (Tape A) decreased 13.8% to 2.3 billion shares.
* Tape A matched market share was 42.3%, compared to 43.4% in December 2008 and 58.4% in January 2008.
* Designated Market Maker (DMM) participation in January 2009 was 8.4%, the highest level of participation since February 2006, and up from 7% in December 2008. The increased level of participation was driven in part by the introduction of the NYSE’s new market model in October 2008.
* Total NYSE Arca and NYSE Amex-listed consolidated volume (Tape B) increased 60.4% to 2.0 billion shares.
* NYSE’s matched volume of Tape B increased 38.4% to 540 million shares.
* Total Nasdaq-listed (Tape C) consolidated volume decreased 23.8% to 2.1 billion shares.
NYSE’s matched volume of Tape C decreased 26.6% to 324 million shares.
Tape C matched market share was relatively stable at 15.8%, compared to 15.6% in December 2008 and 16.4% in January 2008.
* Exchange-traded funds matched volume (included in the trading volume numbers above) increased 24.8% to 535 million shares.
European cash products ADV decreased 29.5% to 1.3 million transactions2 from 1.9 million transactions in January 2008, which was the second highest monthly ADV in 2008.
* European cash trading activity qualifying for Pack Epsilon pricing represented 35% of total transactions executed.
Derivatives Trading
European derivatives products ADV was 3.8 million futures and options contracts, a decrease of 18.4% from January 2008, primarily driven by a decline in interest rate trading volume.
* Total interest rate products ADV decreased 32.1% to 2.0 million contracts from 2.9 million contracts in January 2008, which was the highest monthly ADV ever for interest rate products.
* Total equity products (including Bclear) ADV increased 5.6% to 1.8 million contracts. Bclear, NYSE Liffe’s trade administration and clearing service, processed 779 thousand contracts per day, an increase of 98.2%.
U.S. equity options ADV decreased 13.7% to 2.1 million contracts. Total consolidated options ADV declined 23.5% to 12.0 million contracts. NYSE Euronext’s U.S. options exchanges (NYSE Arca and NYSE Amex) accounted for 17.4% of the total consolidated equity options trading in January, up from 15.4% in January 2008.
Appendix: the Monthly Transaction Activity Data Table.